
Contract Services

Check out Sunshine International Unlimited’s job opportunities for current participants!

Career Discovery

This service is currently unavailable due to COVID-19, we hope to build them back in the future.

Employment Path Services

Do you like the idea of having a job but not sure if you’re ready for a job or not? We help you decide by showing you what it’s all about. Learn more

Group Supported Employment

You might like getting paid to work with a group of peers and a support team completing contracted work at various community locations. The type of jobs available include grounds keeping and janitorial. Learn more

Employment Services

These services are currently unavailable due to COVID-19, we hope to build them back in the future.

Job Development

This service is currently unavailable due to COVID-19, we hope to build them back in the future.

job coaching

This service is currently unavailable due to COVID-19, we hope to build them back in the future.

community based work assessments

This service is currently unavailable due to COVID-19, we hope to build them back in the future.

direct placements

This service is currently unavailable due to COVID-19, we hope to build them back in the future.